A sunroom blends indoor comfort with outdoor beauty but also demands regular maintenance to stay functional and appealing. Proper upkeep preserves its look and durability, enhances energy efficiency, and prevents costly repairs.

In this article, we will explore essential sunroom maintenance practices, covering everything from choosing the right cleaning products to handling specialized tasks. By following these guidelines, you can protect your investment and ensure your sunroom remains a cherished part of your home.

Ready to ensure your sunroom remains a beautiful and functional space for years? Our experienced team is here to help with all your maintenance needs. Contact us today!

The Value of Maintaining Your Sunroom


Regular maintenance ensures that every part of the sunroom remains in good working condition, thus extending its lifespan. Addressing issues like leaky seals or damaged frames as soon as they appear prevents more significant problems, thereby preserving the structure’s integrity and functionality.

Moreover, a well-maintained sunroom can significantly boost the overall value of your home. Potential buyers often view a sunroom as a desirable addition, but only if it is in excellent condition. 

Regular upkeep makes the space more attractive and functional, demonstrating to prospective buyers that the property is well cared for, which can translate into a higher selling price.

Want to save on energy costs? Maintaining the sunroom’s structure, especially its windows and seals, ensures better insulation and energy efficiency.

This reduces heating and cooling costs, making the sunroom more economical. Enhanced energy efficiency adds immediate value through cost savings and appeals to buyers looking for sustainable and cost-effective home features.

Sunroom Maintenance Basics

Maintaining a sunroom involves more than just an occasional cleanup; it requires a systematic approach to ensure all components remain in top condition. Here’s how to establish a solid foundation for your sunroom maintenance routine:

Develop a Maintenance Plan

Creating a maintenance schedule is crucial. Plan a regular check-up and cleaning to address any potential issues from varying weather conditions.

This proactive approach helps prevent minor problems from becoming more extensive, more expensive repairs. For example, inspecting seals and joints in the spring and fall can catch early signs of wear and ensure they are addressed promptly.

Choose Appropriate Cleaning Products

The materials used in your sunroom dictate the types of cleaning products you should use. Always consult the manufacturer’s recommendations to avoid harsh chemicals that might damage glass, frames, or seals.

Typically, mild soap solutions are sufficient for cleaning glass panels, while specialized cleaners may be required for different frame materials like aluminum, vinyl, or wood. Using the right products cleans effectively and preserves the material’s integrity and appearance.

Follow Manufacturer’s Recommendations

Alongside choosing the right cleaning products, it’s important to follow the maintenance guidelines provided by the manufacturers of your sunroom components.

These guidelines include recommendations for cleaning techniques, products, and schedules designed to optimize each element’s lifespan and performance.

Adhering to these guidelines ensures that warranty conditions are met and any potential issues can be addressed under warranty terms.

Implementing these fundamental maintenance steps lays the groundwork for a comprehensive and effective care routine, which we will delve into in subsequent sections.

By establishing a routine of regular assessments and proper care, you ensure that your sunroom remains a luminous and welcoming retreat all year round.

Cleaning and Care


Regular cleaning is essential to maintain the clarity and integrity of your sunroom’s structure. Below, we provide detailed guidelines for both glass and frame maintenance.

Glass Maintenance

    • Regular Cleaning: To keep your sunroom’s glass sparkling, clean the interior and exterior windows at least once per season. Use a mixture of mild soap and water or a vinegar solution (one part vinegar to ten parts water) to remove dirt and smudges effectively without damaging the glass.
    • Soft Tools: Use a soft, lint-free cloth or a non-abrasive sponge to apply cleaning solutions. A squeegee with a rubber blade can effectively avoid streaks when reaching higher windows.
    • Avoid Direct Sunlight: When cleaning the glass, try to do so on a cloudy day or when the sunroom is not in direct sunlight. This helps prevent the cleaning solution from drying too quickly and leaving residue or streaks.
    • Tackle Hard Water Stains: To tackle hard water stains, you can use a solution of water and white vinegar. Apply it directly to the stains and let it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away with a soft cloth.
    • Check Seals and Edges: While cleaning, it’s an excellent time to inspect the edges of the glass and the window seals for any signs of damage or wear. Promptly addressing these issues can prevent further complications.

Frame Maintenance

    • Material-Specific Products: Different frame materials require specific cleaning approaches. For aluminum or vinyl frames, use a mild detergent solution. For wooden frames, use a wood cleaner to prevent damage and maintain the finish.
    • Soft Brush or Cloth: Use a soft brush or microfiber cloth to remove dirt and debris from the frames. Be gentle to avoid scratching surfaces, especially on painted or coated frames.
    • Rinse Thoroughly: After cleaning, make sure to rinse the frames thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue that could attract more dirt or degrade the material.
    • Regular Inspections: While cleaning, inspect the frames for any signs of damage, such as cracks, warping, or discoloration. Early detection of these issues can help you manage repairs before they become major problems.
    • Lubricate Moving Parts: If your sunroom includes operable windows or doors, use this opportunity to lubricate the hinges and tracks. A silicone-based lubricant is ideal as it won’t attract dirt and dust.

Following these maintenance guidelines helps keep your sunroom’s glass and frames in excellent condition. This improves its aesthetic appeal and boosts its durability and overall performance.

Specialized Maintenance Tasks

Beyond regular cleaning and care, certain specialized maintenance tasks are crucial for the optimal functioning and preservation of your sunroom. 

These include tree trimming and the maintenance of moving parts and drainage systems.

Tree Trimming

Trimming trees around your sunroom helps maintain its appearance, functionality, and safety while ensuring the health and longevity of the surrounding trees.

    • Prevent Damage: Overhanging branches can pose a risk during storms or high winds, potentially damaging the glass or structure of your sunroom. Regularly trimming trees around your sunroom can prevent physical damage and reduce the amount of leaf litter on the roof and in gutters.
    • Enhance Natural Light: Keep trees well-trimmed to ensure ample natural light in your sunroom. Overgrown branches can cast shadows and reduce the brightness and warmth that make your sunroom pleasant.
    • Avoid Moisture Problems: Trees too close to the structure can contribute to excessive moisture, which can lead to mold and mildew. Ensuring trees are properly trimmed helps maintain airflow and reduce moisture accumulation.

Lubrication of Parts

Lubricants also play a critical role in preventing rust and corrosion on metal parts. When you apply a suitable lubricant, you can protect these components from the detrimental effects of moisture and humidity, which are common in environments where sunrooms are typically situated.

    • Type of Lubricant: Use a silicone-based lubricant for all moving parts, including hinges, locks, and tracks. Silicone lubricants are effective because they do not attract dirt or degrade under various weather conditions.
    • Application: Apply lubricant sparingly to the moving parts. After application, gently open and close the doors and windows several times to distribute the lubricant evenly.
    • Frequency: Lubricate these parts at least once a year or more frequently if you notice any stiffness or squeaking.

Gutter Cleaning

Gutters and downspouts are designed to direct rainwater away from the structure of your sunroom. If gutters are clogged with debris, such as leaves and twigs, water can overflow and pool around the base of the sunroom.

This can lead to water damage on the walls and floors and potentially compromise the structure’s foundation.

    • Regular Cleaning: Ensure that gutters and downspouts are cleared of leaves, twigs, and debris at least twice a year to prevent blockages. This is particularly important in the fall and spring.
    • Tools and Safety: Use a ladder safely and have a helper if possible. Use gloves and a small scoop or garden hose to clear the debris.
    • Check for Damage: While cleaning, inspect the gutters for any signs of damage or wear, such as holes or rust. Address these issues promptly to prevent water damage to the sunroom structure.

By performing these specialized maintenance tasks, you can significantly enhance your sunroom’s safety, functionality, and aesthetic, ensuring it remains a delightful part of your home throughout the year.

Common Sunroom Issues and Repairs

Sunrooms are more intensely exposed to environmental elements than most other parts of a home, which can lead to specific maintenance challenges.

Here, we address common issues such as leaky window seals and screen damage and provide practical advice for repairs.


Leaky Window Seals

Check these conditions when you’re checking for leaks on your window seals:

    • Condensation Inside Glass Panels: This often indicates that the seal is no longer airtight, allowing moisture to enter between panes.
    • Visible Damage or Gaps in the Sealant: Look for cracks, peeling, or gaps where the sealant has deteriorated.
    • Drafts Near Windows: The seals may be compromised if you feel air coming through the windows even when they are closed.

If you encounter any of these issues, here are our recommendations for a quick fix:

    • Clean the Area: Thoroughly clean the window frame and edges before any repairs to ensure the new sealant adheres well.
    • Remove Old Sealant: Carefully remove any remnants of the old sealant with a putty knife or similar tool.
    • Apply New Sealant: Use a high-quality silicone caulk for window seals. Apply it smoothly and evenly along the seam where the glass meets the frame. Ensure there are no gaps or bubbles.
    • Smooth the Sealant: Use a damp finger or a caulking tool to smooth the sealant line, ensuring a clean, professional finish.
    • Allow to Cure: Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for curing time before cleaning or touching the repaired area.

Holes & Tears in Sunroom Screens

Have holes and tears in your sunroom screen? Don’t panic! First, assess the damage.

For holes smaller than a quarter, you can use clear nail polish or a spray-on screen repair product to seal the hole. Larger tears or holes might require a patch or complete screen replacement.

Patching Screens

    • Select a Patch: Use screen material that matches your existing screen. Cut a patch that extends at least half an inch beyond the tear in all directions.
    • Attach the Patch: For metal screens, use a screen repair tool to weave the patch into place and secure the edges with waterproof glue. For fiberglass screens, you can use self-adhesive screen patches or apply screen glue around the edges of the patch.

Replacing Screens

    • Remove the Damaged Screen: Carefully remove the spline (the rubber material that holds the screen in place) with a spline removal tool and take out the damaged screen.
    • Cut New Screen Material: Lay the new screen over the frame, ensuring it covers the entire frame. Cut it to size, leaving about an inch extra around the edges.
    • Install the New Screen: Press the screen into the frame groove using a spline roller, and roll the spline back into the groove over the new screen. Trim any excess material.

Both of these repair tasks can significantly improve the usability and appearance of your sunroom, maintaining its comfort and ensuring it remains an inviting space free of drafts and pests.

Cost Considerations


Effectively maintaining a sunroom is an investment that influences both its current enjoyment and its long-term value.

Here, we delve into the factors that affect maintenance costs and the value that proper upkeep adds to your sunroom.

Size of the Sunroom

The larger the sunroom, the more surface area there is to clean, maintain, and possibly repair.

Larger sunrooms can require more time and materials for tasks like cleaning the glass and frames, which can increase maintenance costs.

Materials Used

The type of materials used in your sunroom affects maintenance costs.

For instance, high-quality materials like treated wood or top-grade aluminum may cost more initially but typically require less frequent repairs. 

Conversely, cheaper materials might incur higher long-term maintenance costs due to more frequent needs for repairs and replacements.


Environmental factors associated with your sunroom’s location also significantly affect maintenance expenses.

Sunrooms in areas with harsh weather conditions, such as heavy rain, snow, or extreme temperatures, will likely require more rigorous and frequent maintenance.

Coastal sunrooms might also face challenges like salt corrosion, necessitating specific protective measures that add to maintenance costs.

Hire Professionals for Your Sunroom Maintenance and Repair Needs

While the costs associated with maintaining a sunroom can vary based on several factors, the investment in regular upkeep pays off by extending the structure’s lifespan, enhancing its utility, and increasing your home’s market value.

Choosing the right partner for sunroom maintenance or home improvement projects is crucial. You want a team that understands your vision, communicates transparently, and sets clear expectations about timelines, warranties, and pricing.

If you’re in the Atlanta area and need expert advice on sunroom maintenance or are considering a home renovation, look no further than Perimeter Remodeling. With over 20 years of experience and a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, we are your go-to professionals for making your dream home a reality.

We have been a BBB Accredited Business since 2002 and are fully licensed, bonded, and insured. We offer flexible financing options and free estimates to ensure your project is as stress-free as possible.

Don’t wait to make the most of your sunroom and home; schedule your free estimate with Perimeter Remodeling today and take the first step towards a beautifully maintained sunroom!